
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday... Last Flowers of the Season

My garden is one of my favorite places in the world. It's not a very big garden, but it is "my" garden and I love it. Every October I am a little sad to see the flowers begin their hibernation and the leaves fall from their branches. To celebrate a wonderful season of arrangements, I decided to cut one last bouquet of hydrangeas for my table. Where once there were light greens and shades of blue I now fine a darker greens, browns and rich tones of burgundy, deep purple and reds.

So tell me... what are you thankful for this Thursday?


  1. Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers and definitely love the deep reds they are turning into now... What am I grateful for this Thursday? Being able to spend time with Murray now....Who knows what tomorrow will bring? :) Living the moment!

  2. Love your arrangement! I could be sentimental right now, but, I'm going to be honest and say that today I am grateful that it was probably my son's last football practice for the season. We started end of July with 4 day/week practices for 1 month, then 3/week 2 hour + practices plus Saturday game up until now. Needless to say,it's been a LONG season :-)
