
Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm Crashing the Party! #NellysBigDay

"And ... I said YESSSSS!"

It happened one November midnight, in Twitterverse, we saw this tweet from our dear Nelly @nella22. Without missing a beat, we all knew Nelly had “said YES” to her beloved “M, as she sweetly calls Brian Murray, her fiancé.
So here we are, Nelly dear, your friends in the food world (and paper lovelies world), wishing you and Brian, all the best. And with our wishes, a simple recipe with an easy formula for a life of bliss, rich with EVERYTHING in it!
Okay, I'm not really a "Foodie", I just happen to be friends with a lot of foodies. That's not going to stop me from crashing this amazing virtual wedding shower! Nelly surely knows me well enough to know I love a good party! 
As for what I would bring... Appetizers, of course! Finger foods are awesome! (Nelly, am I right?)
Brie and Fancy Plum:

Here is a quick and easy appetizer! You need three ingredients: Brie Cheese, your favorite preserves, and some mini phyllo cups.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
Place the phyllo cups on the parchment and place a dollop of preserves in each. I use fancy plum and it's delicious! Cut the rind off the brie. Top the preserves with a piece of brie and bake for 7 minutes. Serve hot or room temperature.

My dear, sweet friend, Nelly...
I wish for you a life of great adventure, pure joy and continued sweetness. I am so happy for you and Brian. I look forward to the day we can meet in real life and toast your happy union! Until then, know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as always. As we say in our house: Mazel Tov!! L'Chaim!! To Life!!


  1. So easy and yet so classy! We don't mind that you're crashing the party, and I'm sure Nelly is thrilled! :)

  2. Oh I love finger foods and I a definitely making this soon, I love how you can make finger foods so delicate and pretty looking with your labels! Thank you for the sweet wishes Patti!

  3. Beautiful post and tribute! Not to mention wonderful pictures to accompany a simple and delicious appetizer! Patti you are a bit of a foodie, admit it! :) And Nelly I am so happy for you and Brian! I wish you both all the happiness in the world....clearly you were meant to be.

  4. Delicious! I love it.. I want a virtual party with gifts like this!
    xx Ridgely

  5. I'm so happy you crashed the party Patti! Love your yummy appetizers, and you can make your beautiful cards for my party anytime :-)

  6. Lovely thought and delicious to boot!!

  7. Oh these are such a fun appetizer for sweet Nelly! Love the use of the phyllo cups, fantastic:-) Hugs, Terra
