
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Is the Handwritten Letter an Art Form?

Question: Do you really believe traditional, posted mail is an art form? If it is, then each and every one of you reading this, has the potential to be an artist! I rather like that thought. We all know art comes in many forms and some are better at it than others, but that doesn't keep people from continuing to pursue it. So why do you think the "art of letter writing" is decreasing? Allow me to list a few reasons people have given as to why they don't write and mail letters.

  • It's old fashioned. (yes, well, so is love and I'm certainly glad that's still around)
  • It takes too much time. (time yourself writing a letter, and let me know)
  • It costs too much money. (for less than the cost of a drink from your favorite cafe, you can brighten someone's day and possibly their week)
  • Writing an email or text is just as good. (not even close)
  • I don't know what I'd write. (Dear Friend, I hope you're having an awesome day! Thinking of you made my day better. Love, The Letter Writing Artist)
  • My handwriting is messy. (write more letters and it will improve)
  • I'm lazy. (now we're getting somewhere)
images via Pinterest

I think the main reason people don't write more letters for the post is laziness. I'm one of those people. It's true. I have fallen into the lazy track and it's time I pull myself out of it. Honestly, I need some motivation. While I was "chatting" with an online friend, Viv of Poppy Sparkles, I had this idea. I'd like to encourage more letter writing and at the same time, write more letters and be held accountable. So here's my challenge:  I challenge anyone reading this blog to write a letter to a friend or family member, mail it straight away to them and include a blank piece of stationery or plain paper with a stamped blank envelope for that person to then write a letter of their own. Once you've finished brightening their day with a few kind words about them (or about you), tell them what to do with the blank page and envelope. It's a "written-letter-pay-it-forward" sort of thing. Who's with me on this? Would you appreciate a small reward for your efforts? Okay, fine. 

Each person who posts a photo of their handwritten note (and blank extra note) on Instagram, Twitter or the Easton Place Facebook page, tagging Easton Place so I can see it, I will send you 2 pcs. of stationery so you can write a couple more notes along with a handwritten note of my own, of course! I would love if you follow me on all of those sites just mentioned, but you don't have to in order to receive your reward. If you do follow me, thank you!

Another online friend, Nancy Sheed, had sent me this post about "The Vanishing Art of Letter Writing" and I shared it with my Facebook fans. That's what Viv and I were chatting about when I got this idea. So, thank you, Nancy and Viv. 
images via Pinterest

As a side note, I promise not to send you any unwanted mail to those who take me up on the offer above. The only strings attached here are the ones pulling you to write and mail more letters! Again I'll ask: Who's with me on this? If you are interested in playing along, tag Easton Place when posting your photos on Twitter or Instagram and use #EPHandwritten so anyone reading this can find your posts. You can send your mailing address by post to:
Easton Place
PO Box 451
Easton, CT 06612
patti (at) eastonplacedesigns (dot) com

Happy letter writing! I'm really looking forward to seeing all your handwritten posts and sending out your rewards. (Please be mindful of the addresses in your photos. Be sure not so show mailing addresses online as to keep them private. Thank you.)



  1. I'm in! Might be next week that I get my letter or two done as we're on halfterm so I'm struggling for any time! I can't wait to write a proper letter and yes, I'm hoping I'll get one back! I miss getting proper letters in the post - emails are just not the same! xo

    1. Happy letter writing, Viv! And thanks, again, for the Facebook "chat" :) xo
      my offer is good for those outside the US as well. If you email me your mailing address, I'll send you a few pcs. of stationery!

  2. Excellent idea Patti. would participate... however since I live in Europe & my handwritten letters are mailed overseas it is not possible for me to enclosed a stamped envelope... since foreign postage stamps will not be useful there... I commend you on a truly fine idea!!

    1. Hi Asta, Feel free to mail to someone within your homeland. I'm still happy to send you some stationery :) Just post your photo!

  3. I am excited to participate! Since Feb 2013, HA a year ago this month, I revived letter writing and put a call out for pen pals. While I would like to write at least a letter a week, some of my pals only have time for about once a month or so. I'm happy to send more mail. I'm also following you now on FB and IG. :)

  4. I love this Patti, and I'm really going to try and do this!!! I've written some thank you notes, and, unfortunately, to many "Get Well Soon" notes recently, but I love the idea of a "Just because I am thinking of You" kind of note :-) Got to find some stationary, then putting this on my to do ASAP list. Thanks for the sweet motivation! xoxo

  5. I love this Patti, and I'm really going to try and do this!!! I've written some thank you notes, and, unfortunately, to many "Get Well Soon" notes recently, but I love the idea of a "Just because I am thinking of You" kind of note :-) Got to find some stationary, then putting this on my to do ASAP list. Thanks for the sweet motivation! xoxo

  6. I love this idea! Truly inspired. Can't wait to see the results :)
