
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy 2012!

Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year!
Several new product will be gracing the webpages of Easton Place Designs in 2012.
In the new year, let's keep the handwritten note in style! My personal goal is to write at least one handwritten note per week, and mail it the old fashion way... with a stamp. Join me in making 2012 the year of the handwritten correspondence! If you'd like to be a recipient of one of those handwritten notes, feel free to email me your snail-mail address. I'd love to send you a card or note. No spam... just a lovely paper correspondence from me to you!

Happy 2012 friends!



  1. A wonderful resolution! Mine is still in the works...what I want to do might overwhelm me after 4 days. :)

  2. I love your goal Patti! I'd love to correspond with you :-) I wish you and your family the happiest of New Year's!!!

  3. What a great idea, Patti! I have so many notecards but not enough reasons to send one each week. I sure would like a valentine from you so I don't have another Charlie Brown year! :-)

  4. Happy New Year!!!! I am so happy we met, you are wonderful:-) Hugs, Terra

  5. I love this! I hope to write more handwritten notes too especially to all my new friends around the globe :)

  6. Thank you ladies :) I look forward to sending out handwritten paper lovelies!

  7. Happy, happy New Year, SnackSis!
