
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Valentine's Card Swap - 2012

"The only true gift is a portion of yourself." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Valentine Gift Tags or Magnets by: By the Book Paper (etsy)

Ah, love... it's that time of year when hearts of pink and red are scattered everywhere you look! Valentine's Day. Okay. It's actually January 10th as I write this, but I've been thinking about Valentine's Day with the release of my new greeting cards! And I've also been thinking of ways to keep the handwritten note in fashion. One way to walk-the-walk is to send at least one piece of "snail-mail" each week of 2012. Another way is to organize a Valentine's Day Card Swap! Yay!!!

Running Heart, Love Vintage Postage by: Verde Studio
So here are the details:
If you'd like to participate in the card swap, email me: eastonplacedesigns [at] me [dot] com by 9:00 p.m. EST, Tuesday, January 24 and give me the following information:
-Your Name
-Snail-mail Address
-Email Address best to use for notification
-Would you be willing to mail internationally?
-Would you like more than one Swap Partner?
-Any blog or website you'd like included in my follow-up post

I'll then select a partner for you to swap with and email you the mailing details. I should have things organized by Friday, January 27. You'll have a more than a week to get your Valentine Card in the mail with plenty of time for delivery by February 14. If mailing to an international address, allow a few extra days.

Have fun with this! You don't have to be a "crafty person", nor a professional card maker to participate. Anyone can join the fun. Hand-made cards are fun to receive, so try your talents with a little glue and glitter! Need ideas for something different? Check out Pinterest. And if you really don't want to send a hand-made card of your own, there's always Etsy.

Please leave a remark in the comments below so I know to look for your email and address! And invite your friends to join the fun as well. And while I have your reading attention, let me know if you'd like to receive a card from me at some point this year. I'm still collecting addresses for my "weekly handwritten note" project!

photo & tag by Easton Place Designs
Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. So fun! Thanks for including my tags! Of course I'll be participating! :)

  2. Ooooh fun! It'll be like grade school but more fab!

  3. Emailing you now - I <3 v-day card swaps!

  4. Such a sweet idea!
    ...and you KNOW I'm a big fan of Snail Mail :) I'm IN!

    Emailing you now

  5. YAY! Very excited to do this! Now that I can use my hands fully since my recent operation, I am MOST happy to blow the dust off of the crafty place in my brain and break out my stash! Is there an approximate date to expect the info about our swap partners?

    1. Hi Johanna.
      Just wanted to remind you to email me your info :)
      Hope you're week is awesome.

  6. I'm so happy to see all of you signed up! There are even more participating, but they didn't comment here :)
    Looking forward to all the fun.

  7. Awesome! I want to join the fun! Sending you an email now.

  8. What a great idea! I make my own hand-painted cards all the time! Will email you.

  9. Ok info coming your way. Nothing like waiting til the last minute. Xoxo
